
Frequently asked questions

Need help? Then take a look at our most frequently asked questions. We’ve tried to cover most things and there’s some good tips on how to get around the app. If you can’t find what you are looking for please call or get in touch, we’re always happy to help.

If you need help with our taxi fares in and around Southampton, just go to our taxi quote page. But if it’s an airport trip have a look at our fixed fares. For tours and excursions try Discover the South.

How do I book a ride?

You can call our 24 hour local call-centre, available 7 days a week, 365 days a year or book online – just click on the link Book Now above. Probably the most convenient and simple way to book is by using our great free app for AndroidiPhone or Windows Phone.

How do I download the app?

Just click on these links depending on which device you have – iPhoneAndroid or Windows Phone.

How do I register in the app?

When you open the app for the first time you will need to select the account type you want. Unless you have a Corporate Account with us you should select Individual Account for cash & card payment types. Click the Sign Up button and enter your details. You will see you can use your Google, Facebook or Twitter profiles to speed up the process. We will automatically send you a text with your password, so just tap this in and you are ready to go!

Can I change the password you gave me?

Of course. From the map screen click on the icon at the top left of the screen then click Individual Account, just select Change Password and then confirm. You can also add your card details too. If you have a Corporate Account any password would have been set at Administration level so you may have to check with your Company.

I’ve registered so how do I book a ride?

Easily. Open the app and your pickup location should be automatically displayed on the map as long as device GPS and data are switched on. If it’s not correct, just press the Arrow in the bottom-left hand corner of the map for a GPS zap! Alternatively, you can either move the map until the right pick-up address is shown or search by typing in the Pick-up Box.
Choose your vehicle type from the images at the top. The marker pin will give you an estimate of how long it will take for your ride to arrive. Once you are happy, just click Confirm Pick-up (if you want to book for later select the clock icon on the right), this will take you to the next screen. Here, enter your destination for a quote, or choose Tell Driver for even quicker booking, we’ve listed some well known locations in Places and you can even search your Contacts.

Can I get an idea of price before I book?

Of course. Once you have selected your pick-up and type of vehicle, in the drop-off screen you can either type your destination in the Search Bar at the top of the screen or use the categories provided. The Places option gives you a list of different types of frequently used addresses, Transport for example gives you Train Stations, Coach Stops and other Transport Hubs. Just click on where you want to go and the next screen will show the route and give you an estimated price for the ride.

Do I have to tell you where I’m going?

Only if you want an estimate of the fare. You have the option for faster booking by selecting Tell Driver, which means that until you jump in we have no idea where you are off to. If you never want to enter a destination, just go to your profile and select Destination Unknown by default and we’ll never ask you where you are going again.

Can I pre-book for another time?

Yes, you can book for anytime or day you wish, up to a year in advance. You can do this before you put the booking details in by clicking the clock icon at the bottom right of the Confirm Booking bar. If you want to schedule for later after you’ve set your pick-up address and the drop-off/tell driver, just tap on the time bar under the map. Remember all bookings are set to on-demand or ASAP by default to make things quicker, so if you want to ride later be sure to tell us the right time.

How can I pay for my ride?

Cash or card in the cab (Apple Pay too) or better still register your credit or debit card in the app. Just go to your profile and select Payment then Add Credit Card, where you can type the details or just scan the card in using the camera icon in the top right corner, 100% secure. No extra charges for using your plastic. Fantastic! If you always pay the same way you can tick your preferred method and this will be added to every ride. You can easily switch between cash and card before you confirm your booking, just click on the Payment button before you book.

How will I know my ride is booked?

We’ll confirm with a booking reference and a great big tick, you will see the ride details and have options to cancel or edit the ride. if you click in the 3 dots bottom right there are additional options to choose such as mark as a favourite and book a return.

How do I know my ride is on its way?

We will send you a PUSH notification or a text message to tell you your driver is on their way, if you booked on the app the map will update and you can see driver & car details and exactly where your ride is coming from. You can see the estimated time it will take to get to you and follow your driver as they approach your pick-up point. Remember not all our drivers are handsome so no jokes about the lovely driver photo we show.

How will I recognise my ride?

As soon as your ride request is accepted we’ll send you details of the car, with make, model and registration number. We’ll also send you your drivers name and photograph so you know exactly what and who to look out for.

Can I contact my driver?

If you have booked on the app and need to speak to your driver just click on the Phone icon and we’ll connect you. If you don’t have the App please follow the tracking link and above the tracking map click on the phone to call you driver. For extra safety we will hide your mobile number from the driver, we just route the call via our office.

Can I share my ride with family & friends?

You can only share your destination and status if you have requested a ride and a driver has accepted. From the map page click on squiggly line that shows active bookings. Just click share at the bottom of the screen, choose how you want to share the trip text or email. Just send the link and your family & friends can check your trip status and location, car and driver details too.

I need to cancel or amend my ride.

If you want to cancel or change any of the details, from the map page click on squiggly line that shows active bookings. Just click cancel or edit at the bottom of the screen.

I have a promo code or voucher, how do I use it to get money off?

After you have entered details of you ride and before you Confirm Booking, click on the +Discount and select Promo or Voucher. Enter the details here and at the end of your ride the discount will be applied to the price automatically.

I need a receipt.

No problem, these are sent automatically to your registered email address within 24 hours of completing your ride.

Can I set up my favourite pick-ups?

When you open the app you will see a Home or House icon. Click here for instructions or click on the Search Bar at the bottom of the screen, just type in the address and it will auto-search, when you see the one you want click on the Star icon and enter a Favourite Name then confirm to save. These addresses are now available all the time on the map screen for quick and easy booking.

I only make a few regular journeys is there a simple way to save these?

When you open the app you will see a Star icon, click here for instructions. The easiest way to save your favourite rides is by using the History screen, simply click on the Clock Running Backwards icon in the top-right corner – this will list all of your previous rides. Select the correct journey and use the 3 dots in the bottom right hand corner, select Mark as favourite, then give it a name (e.g. Home to Work).

I have special requests for my pickup, what do I do?

Before you book your ride with Confirm Booking, click on the Options button. Here you can enter Notes to Driver, choose a Wait & Return or request a lower style Saloon Car. You can also add more passengers here, but it’s not compulsory as long as you have selected the right type of car for the number of people travelling.

Why do I see a £1 debit from my card when the ride hasn’t even finished?

When you book a ride using a credit or debit card there is a £1 pre-authorisation fee which we hold until the journey has ended. This is not debited from your account, the amount is simply held temporarily until the ride is complete. At the end of the ride, the pre-authorisation is released back into your bank account. Naturally, if you cancel your journey there is no charge and the £1 pre-authorisation fee will be released within 3-5 working days. The time it takes for the pre-authorisation to be released is dependent on your bank’s policy and is outside of our control. The pre-authorisation is for security purposes and helps ensure a transaction is not fraudulent.

I want to tell you about my ride experience.

If you booked by App or on-line just find the ride in your History and click on the 3 dots bottom right hand side, this will show you lots of options including Feedback. Tell us what you think & we’ll be in touch. If you want to simply Rate Your Ride you can do this quickly by clicking on the Driver icon on the left hand side of the completed booking screen.

I think I lost something in the car?

If you booked by App or on-line just find the ride in your History and click on the 3 dots bottom right hand side – this will show you lots of options including Lost Property. Create a Notification to tell us what you have lost, and we’ll check with your driver and be in touch. If you didn’t book on the app then email as much information as you can to info@westquaycars.com and we’ll see if we can help reunite you with your property.

What if I need to speak to someone?

Our customer care team are available 24/7 to answer any questions and you can reach them on 02380 999999. You can also find this number by going to the Menu in your app and selecting Customer Service, then tap Contacts and call from the app.